Screen Shot 2013-01-17 at 3.43.50 AMSo sometimes, like today I get a little bit of writer’s block. However, the thing to do is push through it and write anyway. Just like with art, just like with love, just like working out, just like anything you do for fun or for a living – sometimes you get suck – and when you do, push through! Keep going.

Sometimes you’re just not in the mood, or just not inspired. For instance, yesterday I did not want to workout. So, instead of getting dressed and going to the gym I decided to just put some music on and get up and stretch for 5 minutes.  This led to dancing for one song, which led to dancing in my apartment for 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of weights and some workout moves. I didn’t get down on myself for not wanting to work out – of course there will be days when I don’t. The key is to take that one tiny right action and do something to get the momentum going.

Life is filled with hundreds of thousands of little right actions; it’s all about taking the little right action each chance you get.

While doing Gabrielle Bernstein’s NYTimes Best Selling book “May Cause Miracles.” I came across a profound, yet simple realization.

I have been putting my goals and who I really want to be in a “then”, “one day”, “when I grow up”, “when I’m older” etc. type of mentality and I have been doing this since I was little. I am visualizing this as a far away time and a separate person from the one I am now, feeding into my excuses of maybe why I haven’t keep up certain habits and why I haven’t started others. Of course the longer I do this, while days and years continue to go by the less I am actually “being” this person and the more I am not “being” this person when I arrive at the age or time I had envisioned my “one day” to be.

The breakthrough: I am here NOW and that means in this very moment I can to be the person I want to be by acting as though I am.  For example, if the person I want to be in my 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s etc. is really fit and toned, then today I need to work out so that actually happens – not when I’m 40.  Do you understand what I’m getting at?

It’s not about who you want to be “then” it’s about being that now.

“The best use of life is love. The best expression of love is time. The best time to love is now.”― Rick Warren

The past has already happened, the future is not even here yet. The ONLY time we have to change our lives is in the present moment. And that moment is fleeting.  Do what you desire to do NOW.

Like in Gabby’s book – it takes 40 days to make a habit, but it starts with committing to EACH day of those 40 days.

Show up for your life now. Grab it by the steering wheel, you are in the drivers seat and you control your destiny.

No matter what outside factors exist, no matter what card’s you have been dealt, what excuses you have held on to and what limits you have created – you are the only one who can exercise your free will NOW in the present moment, minute by minute to decide who and what you will be in your lifetime.  When looking at other people who have been dealt worse hands then you, maybe having no hands, being born with no arms or legs at all like this guy Nick Vujicic who I saw on Oprah, you have no excuses – and if you think you do watch this:

Hope that inspires you!
