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Ok admit it, we all have them.  A bad day comes around every so often and although we have 24 hours to hit rewind sometimes we just want to mope in our bad-day-ness.

Well, this blog is here to save the day.  20 ways to press pause and reset your brooding. Don’t we all need this once in a while?  That’s ok. Mope, then snap out of it. A better day is just minutes away.

*Just as a disclaimer: bad things happen, and sometimes they are very serious. I am in no way saying that any situation can be changed with these tips, but it is your reaction to the situation that can change into a more positive mindset.

1. Look to the stars. Literally. Go outside, go to your window or look them up online (if the clouds in your area have taken up that valuable real estate). Revel in amazement. Realize that life is fleeting and any problems you have are just a flash in the pan. Tomorrow is another chance to change your reaction. It’s not the situation… it’s how you handle it. Believe (if you choose to) that you are being guided and that everything is happening for a reason.  Your shit is being brought up so it can be dealt with and healed.

2.  Play with your pet.  Cats, dogs, furbies, whatever – anything furry and cuddly will do the job.  Put it in perspective that these furry creatures are just here to love you and it is your job to take care of them and love them back.  Give them a ton of love.

3.    Meditate.  For amazing meditations go to or sit in silence for 5-10 minutes with a deep breath in for 5 seconds, and a deep breath out for 5 seconds.  Seriously, this helps me so much any time I am stressed or distressed about something.  Meditating often increases your intuition and also helps you connect to the guidance system you already have inside of you.

4.  Take a walk outside.  Being in nature really changes your outlook on life.  The outdoors helps us humans connect with an innate sense of affinity for other living things. It is in our DNA to feel a decrease in blood pressure, anxiety and stress just by being outside, even for a few minutes.

 5.  Change your breath.  This is a new one I just learned. Gabrielle Bernstein of (the meditation link above) prescribes slowly blowing air out of your mouth at any time of anxiety and in through our nose. You can use this trick in the boardroom or in any stressful situation with little detection from others.

6. Pray.  No matter what kind of higher power you believe in, just give it up and pray.  You can even pray to the stress Gods if you so choose. Sit for a moment and ask for help.  I like to say “Please guide me to expand in love, abundance and success today and every day as we inspire others to do the same.” – I took this phrase from the book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks and it helps my perspective on so many things!

7.    Work out.

 8.    Do something fun.

 9.    Go shopping / faux shopping. Nothing hits the spot quite like a little retail therapy for the soul.  If you don’t have the funds, faux shop – it is so much more fun than you think – trust me.  Go online or into a store and pick out everything you would buy if you had all the money in the world. Think about how you would wear it, what it would look like on, keep adding to your imaginary shopping bag. Feel how you would feel if you bought it and then put a bookmark in it until a later date when you have the cash, or indefinitely.  You can do this whole thing in your head, you don’t even have to touch a thing.  The act of buying these items in your imagination will cue up the attracting power of those things that you desire and tell your brain it’s ok to receive great things. The science behind this is that shopping releases endorphins, which lower stress.  Same with…

10.  Chocolate and wine.  So go ahead, indulge.

11. Do something good for yourself. Try amani/pedi, massage, read a book, do something you’ve been putting off that will make you feel good.

 12.  Inspire someone.

 13.  Hug someone.

 14.  Follow through. Pick one small step and commit to it starting today. You will feel so good that you moved forward with something and that you are in control. Make the commitment to add this new step into your life and continue to follow through.

15.  Write down your non-negotiables.  It’s so important to feel a sense of self-respect when you feel you have been wronged, so write down some non-negotiables that you need to be happy in business and personal life.  If you are having a disagreement with someone or are faced with a big decision, go back to your non-negotiable list and see what matches your priorities. This will make your stance, and your decision a whole lot easier.

16. Stop complaining. There are millions of people who have it way worse than you do.  Get grateful for what you do have, food, shelter, etc.

17.  Take a bath. Baths are very healing and recharging for your body, mind and soul. Add salt to detoxify your body of harmful built up chemicals, negative energy and other toxins.  Sitting in a warm bath can clear your mind and create space to form solutions to a problem you couldn’t solve prior.

18. Do that thing you’re afraid of.  Sometimes having a bad day is what happens when things don’t go our way. Take the reigns back in your hands and take a risk. Take a leap. It can be small but just flex your fear muscle and let it grow stronger.

19. Accept failure.  Realize everyone fails hundreds of times and the people who succeed are people who failed ten hundred times and got up again and again.

20. Look ahead.  Look to the future and picture your life in 5 or 10 years or even 5 days. Think about the amazing things you have in store, and if nothing is planned yet – create your map. “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” – Lewis Carroll.

Hope that inspires you to have a better day, now. You don’t even have to wait for tomorrow!

