New Years Eve IllustrationHappy New Year and Happy 2 Year Anniversary to my blog on January 1st!!! Resolutions do stick sometimes, huh.

What an exciting year it has been!

I am proud to say this is also the 6-month anniversary of my weekly Newsletter (subscribe here to get in on it)! It is a promise that I have made 6 months ago to deliver weekly illustrations and blog posts to you, and it is something I have taken seriously and proudly kept up, every week for 6 months!

Thus far I have created 23 new illustrations for my blog alone in these last 6 months, and at the end of the one-year anniversary of these newsletters will have created 52 blog illustrations – and that does not include illustrations I have done for clients!

Some of these illustrations have gone on to become products for my online store that launched only a month and a half ago!!! It feels like it has been at least a year! That is another one of my exciting business moves made this year!!! That’s right I am celebrating! And you should celebrate all of your accomplishments this past year too!

I can honestly say that creating this blog for you is probably my favorite thing to do all week.  I look forward to it coming out every Thursday via email. To express myself in writing and create a beautiful illustration each week gives me so much joy, especially because it is created with the intention to inspire, and if it has inspired at least one person then I have done my job.

I wanted to say a big thank you to YOU for taking the time to read my blogs and view my illustrations! Your support inspires me to keep moving towards my dreams – and with that, on with my blog – a blog dedicated to inspiring you BIG time to live your dreams in 2013 and beyond.

Hope you enjoy….

“Imagine that anything is possible, and name the most amazing thing that could happen in 2013.” – Marianne Williamson.

What would it be?

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” – Oprah Winfrey.

What would you ask for?

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”  – Oprah Winfrey.

Are you up for that adventure?

“Imagine if you were not afraid to fail. What would you be doing right now.” – Oprah Winfrey.

Now take this New Year, and run with it. Do it. Live it how you want to.

What would you do differently?  What would you do more of?  What would you do less of?  Who would you not spend time with?  Who would you see more often?  What would you say that has thus far been left unsaid?

What would you say NO to? What would you say Yes to?

It is a brand new year, a year that many of us have gone through hoops of fire to get to. What would you do with this newfound gift? What would you do if you had another chance to get it right, if you had a clean slate?

If you are on the right path, how can you give more, serve more and be more of that?

This is OUR year. Breathe it in. 

This will be a year of significant change. I can feel it in my bones and it’s inspiring.  The climate of our society, of our economy and of our trust in humanity is being tested.  We, as individuals must rise above the challenges and “Be the change we wish to see in the world” – Ghandi.

Change yourself.  You are in control.
Forgive and let go.
Take care of this moment.  Without action, you aren’t going anywhere. See the good in people and help them persist. Be congruent, be authentic and be your true self. Continue to grow and evolve.

These are Ghandi’s fundamentals for changing the world.

“To the world you are one person, but to one person you may mean the world.” – Unknown.

Every little bit counts.  Seconds make up minutes and minutes make up hours.

Do you have the guts to see it through?  Can you hold yourself up to the standards you have set for yourself in your heart?

If you are the author to the story of your life, what does 2013 hold for you?

Let me know! You can leave comments below to share your goals and visions for 2013!

Hope that inspires you to live an inspired life!


