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This month’s Illustrated Essentials see below!

Here is a juicy little secret about me that only my inner circle really knows: I don’t have as much confidence all the time as you may think!!!

I am my own WORST critic and there are times when I have a major lack in confidence, however I know it’s something that a lot of us all can relate to.  It’s hard sometimes to constantly compare yourself to others and judge yourself accordingly.  With the rise in social media and #selfies the emphasis on your virtual projection is everything. (And sometimes not in a good way).

Yes it is 100% true that if you run a business – like me – it is truly important to focus on branding (which is part of my business and my business services incase you didn’t know. Click here for more info) , and obviously if you are a business, or anyone else for that matter, who wants your worst photos to be put on blast?  Um, no thank you!

However truth be told, we all have bad days – including me.  Today was one of them to be precise. I am just a normal person with normal insecurities.  We can all beat ourselves up at times over the silliest of things.  The constant judging and comparing in our minds can be really horrible. From body image, to keeping up with the Jones’, to what we wear and where we go – it can all be scrutinized on the public platform we call our facebook, twitter or instagram feed.

I just try to do the best that I can and I am here to help you feel the best you can too!

My job is to INSPIRE you and create beautiful things like illustrations, products, fashion and posts for you to enjoy!!!

So here are my top go-to tricks to boost your confidence and make life a little better.

1. Take a time out.
  Step away from whatever you are doing that makes you feel bad and go somewhere else, anywhere. Changing your physical location can stimulate your senses and improve your mood. Go outside, take a bath, or go play with your pet. Changing your scenery will do a lot to increase your happiness quotient. If it is really bad, consider changing your surroundings more permanently like changing jobs, apartments or living situations if you can.

2. Stop, drop and Meditate.  I know you’ve heard it before meditation really can do wonders for your happiness and your health. A meditation a day keeps the sad face emoji’s away.  Meditation helps you tap into your intuition and your internal compass to make the right decisions for you.  It is also essential to help you find your purpose. Some wise man once said “Happiness is simple, it is having someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to.” and I think that wise man was Elvis! (Ha!)

Without those things you have a recipe to be depressed. Trust me, I’ve been there. Meditation can show you how to discover what to do and what to plan.  Having someone to love can be a family member or friend. It doesn’t have to be a romantic situation only, but if you are romantically involved, love on that partner and appreciate them!

3. Spring clean your social media!!!!! Now this is a big one. Unfollow those who drain and follow those who INSPIRE!!!  Your social media is probably the first thing you look at in the morning (ahem instagram) and the last thing you look at night. Unfollow those creeps who do nothing but complain on facebook blast, or post photos that make you feel gross, whatever that may mean to you.

You don’t have to cave into victim mode – you do NOT, I repeat you DO NOT have to click every tragic news story or animal cruelty video you come across on your facebook feed. (Public notice: you know who you are, PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS and only post things that UPLIFT people!!! Yes there are horrible things in the world going on but JOIN A CLUB to HELP THE CAUSE, try to make a difference or STOP dwelling in the negative energy!!! All you are doing is creating more traction for the news to focus on that crap and all you are creating is a knot in people’s stomachs!)

YOU CREATE the life you want to live.  By putting it out there it will come back to you ten fold, especially if you are trying to inspire everyone in your lives too. Make your social media profiles filled with inspirational quotes, images and beautiful things that lift the energy of yourself and those reading or viewing your posts.  It’s just like that earth day campaign – pick up the TRASH and plant some FLOWERS. That is the only way to have a beautiful world. Don’t post photos of how horrible the trash is, make a change and clean up your side of the street!

4. Talk it out. Sometimes things just need to be said. Grab a trusted confidant and the Kleenex box and go full throttle. Ask for them to listen to you and then maybe they will even have some advice.  Talking about your feelings with those you hold dear is a great way to bond and feel the love of that other person – which is probably exactly what you need when you are lacking in the confidence department.  Don’t worry about sounding stupid, be vulnerable and perhaps the person lending you their ear will be able to see it from another perspective. Example: “I feel like crap and I gained 5 lbs, and I hate my _________ Fill in the blank” Fellow friend: “OH stop it, you look beautiful there is nothing to worry about” (HUG) – Yeah even that stupid nonsense that is really not earth shatteringly important is still great to vent about because you never know, you may just really have needed the reassurance and the hug!

Whether it be these trivial quips about your own self-image or major issues like your finances, a death in the family or worse – like thoughts of suicide or major catastrophic events – talk about it. Getting over grief and problem solving with someone who cares may just be the difference between life and death. (RIP to those who have lost a loved one to suicide, I have just read 3 stories this week about that and I have lost a family member to suicide in the past. It does get better! Don’t loose hope <3 )

5. Gratitude list. This one may sound kind of cheesy but it works. Make a list of everything you are grateful in your life, AND about YOURSELF. List out all the parts of your body you do love starting with all the organs that keep you alive, all the limbs you have that others may not be so lucky to have due to tragic events, all of the blood cells that beat through your heart, and try to find some parts of your outer self that make you feel beautiful.  Be grateful for all the things in your life you are happy about, and that you are so lucky to have. Beauty is not only on the outside, but the inside too.  Add to your list the roof over your head, the warm blankets on your bed, your pillows, your food and all of your luxuries. Not everyone is as fortunate as we are and to remember that helps us remain EXTREMELY grateful.

This week I start a new series called Illustrated Essentials and I am trying it out to see if you like it! Please write a comment in the space below telling me what you think about today’s post and Illustrated Essentials so I can continue giving YOU more of what YOU LOVE!

As always, I hope that inspires you!

April’s Illustrated essentials:
Lilacs and iris’ for your soul
A good book like Gabrielle Bernstein’s Miracles Now.
Green Tinted Aviator Sunnies
Your favorite bright patterned dress
A sparkly thing or two to keep you fascinated like neon and crystal jewelry.
YELLOW and brights.
A bath.
A healthy start like a good breakfast!