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“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the mastery of it.” Or another interpretation of this quote is “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something is more important than fear.” – Ambrose. Redmoon. Whichever is what she really said, I like it either way!

When you compare yourself to someone else who is doing exactly what you want to be doing, what is the only thing that they have that you don’t? Courage. Not skill, not talent, not beauty, not brains – but the ability to act even though you are afraid, even though you doubt yourself and even though it will be hard.

Stop living in fear. Don’t let your excuses stop you on your path to your dreams.

As Mastin Kipp says in his blog “The Daily Love” “You are an Infinite Soul connected to the Infinity of The Divine and for a short while, you are in this body that you inhabit. When you identify with The Divine, with your Source and with your Soul (and not your circumstances), you take the first step in transcending your limitations.”

To me, this is profound because he is saying that we are only in this body for a limited time and we are souls, IN a body YET bigger than our body, larger than our circumstance and far larger than our excuses.

If you had perspective on your life and how fleeting it is, what would you do differently? If you had the viewpoint that your circumstance is temporary and you can control your reactions to surpass your current circumstance, what would you do instead of what you are doing now?

Courage is the willingness and ability to confront fear, pain, danger and uncertainty HEAD ON. It is in forging forward that the real successes and dreams unfold.

We all have the capacity to choose courage instead of hesitation, instead of fear, instead of cowardice.

Feel the fear and DO IT ANY WAY. The fear is not going anywhere, the hesitation and excuses are a natural defense mechanism in human beings. Yet we need to forge forward. We need to propel. It is a strong ACTION word that is the only descriptive of what to do to harness your inner strength. Not just to continue, but to accelerate, to conquer the storm and the feelings of uncertainty.

How much do you want it? I think that is a question you really have to ask yourself.

It is in the mastery of fear that we can unleash our full potential. That is when we can actually quell the voice inside of us all whispering to us what risk to take. That is when we can feel truly satisfied with ourselves and our lives, knowing that we tried, wholeheartedly.

What can you do today to harness your courage? What would you do if you overcame your fears?

Fear is such a deeply ingrained thing, buried for years and years and engorged and built up upon by small setbacks. Yet COURAGE takes one fast, swift motion forward. You can break the cycle of fear in an instant. It just takes the mental strength to say, as my mentor says “Eff it, LETS GO!” and pounce. All it takes is one swift change of mind. It is that easy, but it takes courage. Do you have it right now? If not, CAN you get there? (The answer is YES by the way!)

Hope that inspires you!