Get ready.  I’d like to share something that got me in an effervescent mood and that is Daniel, and his love for objects, furniture, lighting and well, all things interior design. Daniel reminds us that all things – even the ordinary – can be transformed to hold a magical and whimsical new objective.

Introducing Daniel Loves Objects.

Take these gold plated adjustable mannequins turned lamps for instance; I need one of these in my apartment!  According to the elusive Singapore based designer, the lamp becomes “a translation of man’s inner thoughts and desires” and might be “controversial, provocative or elegant”.  Interesting.  Here are the Lighted Mannequins entitled “At Your Command”.

Ever want your own personal genie? Well heres the next best thing – “Ask & You Shall Receive” Lighting. 

Or, how about my other favorite “Of Wars & Wits & Power”.

The designer is certainly of Wits with this Powerful image of creativity, imagination and statement.

And I quote (the product description): “Driven by the recent crisis of certain countries who got very uptight over issues of being asked to disarm their missile test launched, their alarming action to remain hostile and persistent in their belief had stirred me to create this part of a furniture combination to depict their behavioral trait, a bookshelf with their golden army, strategically placed underneath, to uphold and to protect their ultimate plans, frozen in time for all to see.”  Well that solidifies Daniel’s coolness I must say.

It inspires me so much when young designers not only have guts, passion and talent but they have the courage to maintain a voice.  Thank you Daniel for keeping the inspiration alive.

Check out some more fantastic inspiration.. Enjoy!

Incredibly clever for those in shopaholics anonymous.  (AKA Me)

A branch bench.. How lovely and chic.

Charming function meets eerie illusiveness.  I like.

I’d love to come home to this cheerful and interactive functional art.

I need this above my bed for sure!  This creation lives in the world of my perceived future’s methods of practicality.  I can see this in forward generation based movies where a Neo-esque character awakes and moves on his way to work.  Great Job Daniel in keeping it innovative.

I hope you are inspired!

Check out more on Daniel at Coroflot Portfolios – Daniel Loves Objects.