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The art of a clean desk – organizing for energy.

Yep, you’ve done it, I’ve done it.  We work so hard, so much and so consistently that the space we work on becomes a dumping ground for the projects we are working on, the papers we are sorting through and the tools we need to make it happen. Somewhere along the line, it becomes a wasteland of to do lists on sticky notes, outdated post-its, inkless pens, piles of magazines and things stacked and labled “to file” or “to read”.

Don’t you think this effects your work energy?!

So I have been staring at my computer screen for hours and hours doing work, working on illustrations, projects and more but I have been abandoning my desk. I notice it but I rationalize, I have to finish this project first or I’ll do that later.

It kind of got to the point that it was making me sick just looking at it and draining my energy.

The pile of magazines and paperwork piled on my floor next to my desk has become (gulp) literally knee high.  “Oh how I hate paperwork, and why can’t everything be electronic,” my mind ponders.

So, notably it became time to clean my desk off (which I end up doing probably about every three months), but now it is also time to do a massive pre-spring cleaning on my draws and office space in general.

Two desk “S.O.S. cleanings” ago I discovered feng shui for my desk. It worked so incredibly well to rebalance my energy that I had to share it with you. I also use this to place a few items on my desk that inspires me when I look at them because this is my “sacred” creative space.

So if you are in need – here is the how on attaining the ultimate desk zen.

See illustration above! *If you don’t have a big enough desk, consider using the surrounding space, under desk area on the sides, and the walls to house these elements. You can also use colors and anything that gives meaning to you to the section theme to represent each area.

Start by clearing of EVERY single thing from your desk, clean everything thoroughly and then clean the top of your desk.

  1. Starting at the center of your desk, if this were a clock it would be 6:00.  This is where your chair is and your computer should be since this is the career / business journey section. Here you will put your mission statement, communications and this is also your reception area. Having your computer here is the perfect solution. Color: Black, Element: Water
  2. Next going clockwise at 7:30 on the bottom left hand corner is your blue area, and Earth Elements. This is the section titled knowledge and skill building. This is where you put your training material and business library.  This is perfect since books are made of paper, which comes from trees, and this is where your earth element should be. I keep a book I am reading and my sketchbook there.
  3. At the middle left section, where 9 o’clock would be is your green area represented by wood elements. This is the section of growth, teamwork and new beginnings.  Things that represent business structure, leadership, teamwork and new projects belong here.  I keep a mini stack of 2 new notebooks from Christian Lacroix Papier that my friend gave me for my birthday and a Papyrus notecard set for Thank You note writing.
  4. Next at 10:30 on the clock is your Prosperity section. This is where purple reigns as the color and things that represent finances, cash flow and a sense of abundance should go here. Perhaps place a photo of how you make money here, a pyrite stone, which is looks like gold or some bedazzled, crystal encrusted item or costume jewelry for decoration.  I keep a framed illustration and a costume diamond here.
  5. In the top center, at 12 o’clock is the Fame and Reputation area. This area is represented in red. It is also the fire element. Here public relations-building items should go. Think about putting an award you won, your business cards here or something you are proud of that represents your business.
  6.  On the top right hand corner at 1:30 on the clock is your primary business (and personal) relationships zone.  This is represented by a pink color. This is where you should put things relating to partnerships, contracts – also things relating to love and marriage. You may also choose to place things in groups of two in this area. If you are hoping for or focusing on supporting a romantic relationship, put two peacock feathers (like I have), two candles, two flowers or two similar trinkets etc. This is also a place to put beautiful things you love here.
  7. At 3 o’clock is the center for productivity, creative expression and expansion. Here put things that help you get and stay creative, marketing materials that support your expansion or like I have, a pretty glass filled with pens, markers and colored sharpies. This section is represented by white but is where you should incorporate many beautiful bright colors that you love.  Metal is the element here.
  8. The bottom right corner (at 4:30 on the clock) is the section for travel and helpful people. It is a good place to put business cards of your most important contacts, your appointment book or a desk phone here. You can also put religious or spiritual items here that represent angels or your faith. The color is silver.
  9. And the last section is directly in the middle of your desk where the “hands” of a clock would be mounted.  This is the health section and is represented by yellow.  Here is where you should have an item made from earth materials like ceramics, flowers, essential oils, things that remind you to stay centered or even the color yellow. I keep a yellow highlighter next to my laptop in the center of my desk.
  • Another thing I recommend is arranging your desk so that you are in a “command” position. This is when you have a view of the room and the door with out being in a “direct line” of the door or walkway and your back is facing the wall when you are seated. It is a primal instinct of humans to want to “watch their back” and by setting up your desk this way, you will feel instinctually protected allowing you to be more at ease and productive.

The key here is also eliminating things that don’t serve you and that you don’t need to have out. Things that you do need that are not covered above you can file away in your drawers (neatly).

Try this out and believe me you will see an immediate difference.

Hope that inspires you!

Happy feng shui-ing!

