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Illustration of Solar Plexas Chakra Girl from
new book Kick Ass Dreams by Patricia Tomasi

No matter what it is you do. Do all things with love. That is how you create true joy in your life.

The little things are what matter the most.

Maya Angelou once said, “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

The feeling behind your intentions will always shine through to those on the receiving end.

Last night I made a blue Rice Krispy treat cake, iced with cool whip, decorated with strawberries, purple icing and sprinkles along with white chocolate dipped marshmallows with purple and blue sprinkles for my boyfriend’s birthday. I put so much love into those ingredients and I know my man felt it.  Just doing little simple things like homemade birthday cake with his favorite colors and twist on traditional cupcakes with all the ingredients he likes is what makes things special.

I love birthdays and especially I love the look on his face when he sees each one of my creations and surprises, it makes me so happy to make him happy.

Bring joy to your life by doing all things with love.

I learned this from my mom when she used to make my sister and me lunches, she would sometimes throw in a surprise in our lunchbox. One day it was a pink and purple pen with a foam “cool guy” head wearing sunglasses and a orange feather Mohawk. Another day it was a love note. Another day she put stickers in our lunchboxes. It’s these little things that I will never forget because of how they made me feel.

They made me feel so special and loved and I know I could feel the love she put into those little surprises.

When you make a meal for someone, cut it into the shape of a heart. Write a sticky note “I <3 U” and put it somewhere unexpected.

Think of any little thing that someone will enjoy and make their day easier.  It took me a while to realize that one but it is a good thing to know.

If you are stressed or seem over whelmed, take the time out to do something with love. Garden for yourself and take care of your plants, pick out your clothes for the next day and make yourself feel special. Give your dog a little massage and make him feel loved. Taking that simple break will really recharge your energy and make you feel good from the inside out.

Studies say that making others happy is the best way to feel fulfilled in your own life.

What little something can you do for someone with love today?

Hope that inspires you!

P.S. Check out Patricia Tomasi’s new book Kick Ass Dreams where all of my Chakra Girls are featured and published! Buy it here on amazon!