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FOMO – Fear. Of. Missing. Out.

If you are connected to any social media, you at some point have come down with this condition. Fear of missing out, or FOMO is a silent killer and something to be karate chopped in the butt ASAP before it takes over your time and energy.

We all can way too easily see what our friends are doing on facebook or instagram and wonder, (if you are at home, working or doing something productive but maybe not that fun at the moment) if you are missing out on a fun time and whether or not you should ditch the paperwork and run.

“When we don’t have a vision in life, we have nothing to aim for.” Mastin Kipp of The Daily Love.

This is almost summer people, it’s the time of weekend getaways, summer Fridays, beach days and so much fun.

That being said, if you are an entrepreneur like me or just have a goal that you are working towards then park that butt right back in your seat and ditch the guilt trip.

We all know that instant gratification is a pretty strong force but remembering that you are on your way to your vision is an even more powerful motivation.  Self-sabotage and making yourself feel bad for “not having as much fun, or not having as cool of a social life” is not cool in general.

And don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll make time for fun.

Trust your vision for what you want in your life and stick to it, knowing that you will be lead to and ARE on the right path RIGHT NOW.

Just because people are out having fun “without you” doesn’t mean that you are really missing out on something when life has big plans for you and hands you a different appointment in your calendar.

When you have the time and the opening in your schedule to go out, it is when it is right FOR YOU, and then you can actually enjoy your gathering, guilt free!

You see, the grass is always greener…WHERE YOU WATER IT.

Not, on the other side.

When you realize this and focus on your life, your tasks, your vision, your goals and your priorities, life and success will flow to you.

Get present!!! Focus on what you are accomplishing RIGHT NOW. And frankly, when you do – if it’s not that exciting to you maybe you should really be doing something else or outsource your not-so-fun tasks.  There is something to be said for mastering a task that is hard for you. So if you are doing your not-so-fun taxes but want to learn how, focus on how much of an accomplishment that is to have figured it out. If not, outsource it to your accountant. You get the idea!

I know that when I was younger a few thoughts were inscribed in my head “work hard, play hard” or “I’m going to work my butt of and never go out when I’m young, but then live the life of my dreams when I’m older.”

There will always be time to let loose and have fun but when you have a desire to accomplish something worthwhile you will be so much happier getting Sh*t done!  The play part will always come later.

Envision what it is that you want in your future and for your life! If going out, partying, and drinking heavily at night when you want to work out (or work for us entrepreneurs) early the next morning seems like a good idea when you have FOMO – so sorry, it’s not!

Get your priorities in order and the next time FOMO rears its ugly “ugg, this sucks! I wish I were doing that instead…” scenario, STOP, get present, feel accomplished and keep on kickin A$$!

Hope that wipes out your FOMO, and anyway you are probably on your way to changing the world if you keep at it! Don’t worry, when you have done the dirty work and you are sitting aboard your yacht with martini in hand you’ll be glad you didn’t let FOMO make you into a mofo!

Hope that inspires you!

