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This illustration is of an editorial of my gorgeous friend, model and entrepreneur Tash Moore of and Agency Model Management.

So many times in life we evolve, we grow out of our old skin and we need to shed – like a snake – to rid of old habits, old belief systems and limiting thoughts.

When the skin we are in feels tight, and it is not comfortable for us anymore then naturally, you must shed the constricted constraints into a place where you can breathe again.

If you are not shedding, but you need to – you will feel it.  You will feel it in your energy and your attitude. Remember we are here to take in new information all the time and change our habits that are not working.

Just because you were taught something, or choose to believe in an “impossibility” does not mean you are correct.  Just because you believe something is scary, does not mean it actually is if you only try.

When you treat life as an experiment, take smart risks, and keep educating yourself on the matters of this world, you learn – you expand. When you are curious and release old thoughts, when you “see your fear and do it anyway”, in all aspects of our life you can then grow in to your new skin.

Then, learn some more and repeat the cycle, shed, and regrow. If we are not doing this than we literally are staying stagnant.

Sometimes we hit a glass ceiling at each level of existence.

Sometimes your old beliefs aren’t cutting it anymore.

Sometimes, you have to evolve with the times.

Go with in and nurture your internal beliefs and ask yourself – is this really worth holding on to? You will find that when you release it is the most powerful and freeing thing you can do for yourself.

Dig deep, and shed.

Hope that inspires you!

