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The introduction line of one of my favorite characters from the show Million Dollar Listing New York on Bravo goes something like this:  “My motto is to expand always, in all ways.”  And every time I hear that, I love it!

It’s totally true that if you get caught in repetitively doing “what works” you will get fixated in the mundane and actually become ‘stuck’ – even if doing “what works” is what originally brought you success.

The formula for success is not necessarily doing the same thing that gave you ONE success over and over, but it’s in taking risks, leaps and in giving it your all that you got there in the first place.   And, in retrospect, it’s trying NEW things that will get you there again.

Expanding always, in all ways in your life is what will get you to live the life of your dreams!

In the process

Give yourself “permission to suck” when trying new things and know that

Mastery is a life long process. Each day you will get better and closer along on your path to “mastery” but you will never actually get “there” because each new step is the beginning step to your next phase of learning.

“There” is an illusion. Getting “there” is actually being “here”. Make the most of where you are right now because taking the right action “here” and “now” will become your tomorrow.

One of my allllll time favorite quotes (probably because my amazing, extremely educated, and multi talented grandfather who was a college Professor of Education, Cantor, Rabbi, swimmer, volunteer at multiple soup kitchens, and dedicated family man all at the same time and all while being retired from his previous career told me this one…) “He who knows all, knows that he knows nothing.” – Socrates.

And that my friend, is the truest of the truth.  Just think about all the things that go on in our world, in our solar system, in our UNIVERSE that even the most ingenious rocket scientists have yet to figure out.  We all obviously have much to learn.  We all have room to expand!

My mantra, and my mantra for you is this:

“I expand in abundance, love and success today and every day as I inspire others to do the same.”

This is from my new favorite book “The Big Leap” By Gay Hendricks, which if you have been reading my blogs; you know I like to rave about.  This mantra WORKS. It really puts things into perspective about what our main goal is as human beings.  Other than that, it also has this calming effect whenever I repeat it to myself.  It kinda makes me realize that I am hooked up, I am taken care of and that this is my purpose to expand in these ways.  When you realize that, you can revaluate what you have been centering your thoughts or worries on.

Unleash your inner demons.

In what ways are you not expanding? Get it out there. Talk about it, journal about it or just plain vent about it some how.  When you do it – go deep.  I recently did that last week and let me tell you, I released some more blocks I didn’t even know I had. This lead me to live even more fully, more passionately, more happily and more abundantly.

Do more fun stuff!

The way to expand in love, abundance and success is really to enjoy doing everything you do.  When you are having fun, you are immediately expanding in love because you love what you are doing.  When you love what you are doing it creates more wealth in your life, in all kinds of ways (financial and not financial), and when you have more wealth or abundance in your life that equals success.


Taking time for “Morning meetings” with yourself are key to success.  Sometimes there is just so much going on in your day-to-day life and you have tons of things to do.  Tunnel vision grasps you by surprise and when that happens, good luck getting the important things done.  You will tend to focus on small, detail-oriented tasks that seem super important at the time, but in the long run will not create the life you want to live.  Taking your morning meeting seriously, just as seriously or if not more seriously than the one you may have with your boss will refocus you on your life’s big picture and will help you achieve your goals for expansion in your life.

That’s it for now but I hope all of that inspires you to live the life of your dreams!

Thanks to Mastin Kipp and Gabrielle Bernstein for some of these pieces of advice that I picked up along the way.

