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We are all moved in various directions,

moment to moment and on a daily basis.   What are we being moved TOWARDS is the question one must ask on a consistent basis.

As human beings we all have this innate antenna invisibly placed inside our heads and hearts from the moment we are born.  Following it is the hard part. We are taught to actually go AGAINST our own intuition, against our better judgment. To instead, listen to our elders, follow orders, don’t question authority and seek what we are taught is the “right thing to do”.  But that may not be what is right for us.  The “right thing” may not be accurate anymore. Times have changed.  I am not only talking about morals and ethics here. I am talking about following your own path. Making up your own mind. Carving out your future based on what YOU feel good about. Trusting your internal antenna and where it is guiding you.

It’s about expressing your own opinion, your own creativity and your own judgment on how to live your life.  What is right and wrong for YOU.  It’s about what steps to take and where you want to go.  Following the preordained path of how to do this or that, how to live a “successful” life is not black and white.  The path is not a conveyor belt.  Step off and live YOUR life. 

Don’t like how things are run? Change them. You don’t agree with what’s going on in our world? Try to fix them! Tell someone. Stand up for your beliefs, in a peaceful manner, always.  See something; say something – as the old New York adage goes.

What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong?  Not always the case anymore.

I feel so angered by what is going on in the world, in the media, on the news. So many crazy things happening, what is this world coming to?  I feel like it seems to get worse every year.  I feel so helpless to change it.

However, I know that all it takes is one voice. One voice to make it ok for others to remember that this is not what is right for our world now.  It’s the tipping point.  It’s about taking a stand.  It is so confusing because protests are stemming from a place of taking a stand, yet HOW it is handled and executed makes all the difference.   I am not saying I have all the answers, but I am saying that if we ALL listened to our own internal antenna, the one placed deep down there at birth, the one that is not tarnished by what society tells us to think or believe. The antenna that is not aware of stereotypes, of heartaches, of judgment, of race.  If we listened to that inner voice deep and buried behind the hurt, the anger – the voice of peace, of goodness and of love- maybe we would all be one step closer to living in a much healthier world.

Hope that inspires you,

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel

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