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Happy Halloween Boys and Ghouls!!!

It’s about this time every year that I get so excited. Halloween.
the time of year where most every body celebrates, no one is excluded, and you can be as creative and imaginative as possible.

For a fashion designer this is a dream come true.  My mom started me out when I was little, hand making and hand sewing each costume.  Beginning with my favorite teal princess jasmine/gypsy-esque costume. I don’t remember what it was supposed to be EXACTLY but that was the gist of it. No one had a costume like mine because my mom made it out of her own creativity, and I was SO excited to be a part of it’s creation.  I remember going to Joanne Fabric with her and choosing the most gorgeous iridescent teal color silk I ever saw.  I was her human doll, she made me a crop top and gypsy skirt and draped strands of her gorgeous gold coin jewelry (prob from the 80’s) around me like I was a jingle bell.  I felt so beautiful and so special that she put so much care and love into my costume, I think that was when I feel in love with Halloween, and of course fashion.  From that moment on I learned that you can always be as creative as possible, you can do your own thing, be super unique and express yourself and it will be celebrated.

I love Halloween just as much as I love celebrating my birthday and each year is no exception. I do have to admit though, that in the midst of wedding planning and running my businesses, this year Halloween was kind of an after thought (only until the last 2 weeks – normally I start planning in September!)

I love how my fiancé gets so excited for these things that he revs me up about it.  Knowing that my future will be full of fun and creative Halloweens because he loves it too gets my blood pumping!

Halloween does not have to be only about the “sexy nurse”, “sexy power ranger” or whatever.  If buying an overpriced run of the mill costume is not your style, then I challenge you to be super creative.  Grab a dress or clothes you already have, shop for some fun accessories and maybe a wig or some cool Halloween makeup and bam you are transformed.

Get out your glitter and glue stick and get to it. What’s worse then spending 2 hours of time you “don’t have” to make something original and AWESOME? Seeing 3 girls in the same exact costume you are in on Halloween night – that… sucks!

Getting creative has so many benefits to your life – so if you realllllly don’t want to make your own costume, that’s fine – but use your own creativity in your life somehow.

Creativity creates a sense of control, accomplishment, a greater sense of well-being and growth.  Use your imagination in work and home situations to create a better more exciting outcome than the one you are used to.

Get inspired – search for sparks of inspiration on pinterest, blogs, museums and shops.  Once you see something that sparks your interest, snap a photo or write it down. This will help you when you are ready to get back to work and get creative.

I know all of you may not consider yourself artists in the least, however just put pen to paper, just twist around a sparkly pipe cleaner and you will be surprised what you can produce!

Speaking of creativity:

Here is my recap from the Bene Rialto Grand Opening

I was so honored to have been invited to live draw at their Grand Opening last Thursday night AND have been invited back the following Saturday for more! The people I met there were so warm and welcoming, the clothing, jewelry and other items were gorgeous and the crowds were loving it (and they loved my illustrations!!!) Definitely check it out at 13 West 38th Street in Manhattan!

Here are some photos from me live drawing 5 minute sketches at the gorgeous new retail store Bene Rialto.

Hope that inspires you!

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel