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Our new Holiday 2014 Cards Unveiled above and available NOW on Etsy!

Get so you can give…. I know your probably thinking; don’t I mean the opposite?
No.  I’m talking about putting your air mask on first.
I’m not talking about being selfish, I’m talking about nurturing yourself so that you have everything to give.  I’m saying to focus on tuning in, charging up your batteries and filling up your bank account so that you can give your time, energy and gifts to others; after you have enough to fund and fuel yourself.

I think that having a mentality of abundance BEFORE that paycheck comes in, having the faith that everything will work out and not feeling like the victim is key to having the life you want to live. I know it’s hard, but you have to trust that things are only given to you that you can handle and so that you can grow from those experiences.

I was not always in the position that I am in now, and I am only half way to where I really want to be.  However, I have learned that in getting stuck in the lack mentality brings more lack into your life.  Likewise, having a mindset of abundance, a feeling that there is more than enough to go around, a trust that we will be taken care of and provided for in the grand scheme of things, and a knowing that if I / you get something – that does not mean there is LESS to go around.  There is an infinite supply of LOVE, MONEY, TIME, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS and anything you could possibly imagine.  To believe that these are commodities that are scarce leads to the fear that “there is not enough for me” or that “there is not enough for others if I get.” This simply is untrue.

Has time ever stopped?  Is money not being printed right now?  Does the success of one person mean no one else can succeed? If someone is extremely happy, does that mean that no one around him or her can be happy?  Have the banks of Love ever run dry.  No. Of course not.  You may have thought at some point in your life that a person you love, was the owner of ALL of your love, and you could never love again after that person.  When time went on, as it always does, you discovered you could love again, maybe even more than you ever thought possible. This is true with having children I’d imagine. You have no idea you can even love MORE than you ever have, and yet – you do.  Love does not run out.  You must just continue to tap into it.  Everything is possible if you unlock your mind and heart to the possibilities that are out there for every one of us.

Give love to yourself FIRST, if you feel you are not getting the love that you want.  Give time to yourself FIRST, if you feel you do not have enough time for others. Invest in yourself FIRST, so that you have the riches to give to others after your boat is afloat.

Don’t forget this, and don’t forget to put yourself first in these ways because you are no good to the world if you do not love yourself, if you don’t make time for yourself and if you don’t invest in yourself.

Scrap the defeatist attitude; scrap the victim mode (if you are taking that up), choose to believe that these energies are plentiful, abundant, ever flowing and continually changing and reinventing themselves.   Choose to take ownership of your life, your happiness, your success, your time, your love and your world.  The holidays are coming. You have the power to live in an abundant world, if you only give to yourself first.

As always,
Hope this inspires you.

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel

NEW Holiday Cards available now on Etsy

These and more styles!!!

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