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Happy Thanksgiving, Thanksgivukkah or Hanukkagiving!  Whatever you celebrate, its time to pass the turkey, light the candles and spend time with those you love! I am incredibly grateful this year especially because of all the wonderful blessings I have been fortunate enough to receive.

My family and friends are healthy, happy and abundant, I got engaged to my best friend and soul mate, my beautiful cousin got married to her soul mate, my friends are starting families of their own and I will be together with my WHOLE family for thanksgiving – something we haven’t all been together for in quite some years.  It seems like my family is really coming together where we were apart a little bit. And for other parts of my really close family, they will be embarking on a whole new beautiful chapter in their lives, a bitter sweet chapter but a really exciting one for them.  So many wonderful things to celebrate and be grateful for the list goes on and on. Whether it was a hard year or a wonderful year, there is a little bit of both in all of the seasons. We are all so grateful to be alive and healthy in general because it could always be worse. We all have so many blessings to account for. Especially ones that seem like closed doors or sad endings – these are always the best since in hindsight they always lead you to the place you are meant to be.

Enjoy this time with your family and friends and never forget all the steps it took to get here

I am extremely grateful for YOU, my newsletter subscribers and blog readers, for my clients, my partners, my collaborators and my customers.
Thank you for helping me create beautiful and hopefully inspiring things for you to enjoy and for helping me create a business and life I LOVE!

So many more amazing things on the way, in the works and dreams that I am plotting. I encourage you to take these days off with friends and family to clear your mind of all the stress and think about how you can start or continue to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

For all of you because I am so grateful!!!

Black Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday special  – 50% off my etsy or online store when you use this code

Black Friday coupon code: IMSOGRATEFUL




And always – I hope I can inspire you!

