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Getting what you want is all about a give and take. Since the term “Getting what you want” has such a negative connotation it can often times seem selfish or mal-intentioned. However, we all desire things in life and why give up our dreams and goals at the risk of being “judged” that we are selfish. The people who are judging you are afraid to ask for and get what they want in life, and if you notice most of the time they are unhappy because they don’t have what they are looking for.

How to:

1. Getting what you want is all about KNOWING what you want. That means setting specific goals and focusing on them.

2. Create a plan to get what you want. Figure out what is it you need to do, what kinds of people, places and events you need to connect with and what you can give in return to get what you want.

3. Get comfortable with the idea of receiving what you want and feeling worthy and deserving of it.  This is a really hard thing to do for a lot of people.  Sometimes you notice people who literally or figuratively “Hit the Lottery” or gain all of this huge success then all of a sudden loose it all. This is because of a theory described in the book “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks  (a book on my Must-read-because-it-will-change-your life list.) The theory says that when you don’t feel worthy you will in essence no longer be a magnet for the successes that you desire. My mentor Gabrielle Bernstein says the same thing.  It is only when you feel worthy and attract what you want that you will be able to retain it.

An example to illustrate this point is: Have you ever wished for, felt worthy of a promotion or leap of success in some area of your life (relationships, money, or anything) and received that which you desired – and then once you have attained it you start to self-doubt, self-sabotage and question if you really are truly worthy. Then all of a sudden, your new promotion, new relationship or influx of money disappears just as fast as it came in.  This is because you turned your attracting magnet in reverse and not in a good way.  Another book that touts this theory: The Secret. Moral of the story: don’t doubt your worthiness – trust in it!

4.  Create or add to your vision board. Here comes the fun part. Visualize what you want. I’m sure this is not the first time you’ve heard this about a vision board, but as you grow and accomplish things, your vision board should grow with you. Keep it fun by switching things up, adding images that inspire you and give you the feeling of what you desire, also check off the things that have come to fruition! This will give you a visual reminder of the good things that will come your way.

5. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Half of the fun and all of the adventure comes from the obstacles you faced to get there. Don’t stress and understand that each mini success, bump in the road and even failures are stepping-stones to your big picture. Trust in the end game and give it up to the Universe.  Have fun along the way and know that any tests you are given are so you can grow stronger and more able to accept the big victory at the end.  You literally have to rip and tear your muscles apart (when working out) to rebuild them into a strong toned body.

6. Don’t be afraid – just go with it. Enable the auto response “What’s the worst thing that could happen” question when faced with fear. Generally the answer will not be death or serious injury (if it is stay away). The answer to that question will most likely be not nearly as scary what you picture.

So go ahead, take the risk and go get what you want!!!!

Hope that inspires you!
