Screenshot 2014-05-01 02.26.26

Linda Farrow for Jeremy Scott Wing Sunglasses 

How to have the best weekend EVER, starting tomorrow.

I don’t know about you but I am craving some warmer weather treats. This weekend is Cinco de Mayo andddd the third birthday of my beloved pup, Samba – a doubly good cause for celebration!

For those of you in New York, you understand the weather situation, – which is really quite depressing for the end of April but lets hope this weekend is just the start of warmer festivities to come.

It has been known that I am a Mexican food junkie.  My fiancé knows I could live on fish tacos and guacamole and fortunately for me there is a national holiday that celebrates the act of just that!

This weekend my friends and I will get together for an annual fiesta of margaritas, chips and salsa and some piñata smashing. Just what I need for an amazing weekend.

As far as I’m concerned these are my essentials for the best weekend ever.

Brights – A little bit of bright go a long way. Think of it as Vitamin C or OJ for your soul.  The effects of color therapy are widely known. Based on a 1994 UCLA research study, saturated or bright colors were shown to increase energy levels and bright colors provided more pleasure. The mind uses colors to help you focus and get excited so go throw on a bright bangle or jean and start your weekend off right.

Friends –  Healthy friendship and shared laughter increases your lifespan and overall health.  Good friends bring out the best in you, support you and encourage you to be happy.  Make a date with some good friends and don’t feel guilty about declining an invite from those “frenemies” who harbor jealousy or ill will. Your life kinda depends on it!

Drinks – In moderation, having a cocktail here and there can be a really great thing.  Have a mojito or fun margarita this weekend, it will help you unwind and relax from stress of the week. Opting for a fresh concoction with real ingredients like fruit, mint and clear liquor are low in calories and have added health benefits. Go ahead – make a toast!

Brunch outside – Or do anything outside for that matter.  Brunching, walking, running or just enjoying the sights are perfect ways to absorb that oh-so-elusive Vitamin D that us New Yorkers are pining for. If you are lucky enough to live in a southern climate, well excuse me… go gobble up some extra vitamin D on our behalf because it is the key to so many good-for-you benefits. If you are concerned about aging, yes you need some SPF, BUT I bet you didn’t know this: Vitamin D actually helps replenish collagen production and affects as many as 2k genes in the body, especially those genes responsible for discoloration and pigmentation of the skin and hair.  Hair. Yes. I mean the gene that tells your hair to be brown, red or blonde.  In other words, adding some Vitamin D into your body can turn back the hands of time on grey hair, instructing your body once again to grow more colored hair.  So if you are worried about getting greys in the near future – get outside more!  Vit D also helps fight disease, absorb calcium and many more things.

Fashion – I don’t know about you but for me, Fashion is my heaven, my passion and it makes me really happy. Yes this may sound superficial but I promise you, it’s not.  Fashion is our way of expressing ourselves and dressing to feel great – not just to impress others is like chicken soup for the fashionista’s soul. Use this weekend as your private runway. Create some looks and go for bold. Try things you are afraid people may look twice at and dress for what makes YOU happy – not for what you think is acceptable.  Be boldly YOU!

and a little bit of Relaxing –  I love this quote “ A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content.” Kick off your Sunday shoes and carve out a while for some DOWN time.  Catch up on your fav book, lounge about in your pjs, go for coffee or just be downright lazy.  You work hard all week, and your weekend was just spent fabulously – now its time to recoup.

This is how I will be spending my weekend and I really can’t wait.  Soooo many things are going on – a girl just needs some fun.  My motto is work hard, play harder and that is precisely what I will do.

Go forth and Fiesta this Cinco de Mayo (or Tres de Mayo) .

Hope that inspires you!

Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration