Screenshot 2014-09-18 03.27.31

Illustration of Style Blogger @SomethingNavy

The update: 
NY Fashion week has come to a close and it’s all about the hustle. Now take a trip with me (virtually of course) to, London
Milan, then Paris for more fashion shows galore.  September should basically be called fashion month, and omg can’t wait for the day when I can go to all of them!!!!

I’m working on some illustrations of my favorite looks that I’ll share with you soon!!  In the mean time – here above is an illustration of style blogger SomethingNavy. Check her out on instagram and her NYFW look.  I am loving it.

What’s coming: 
I really don’t know what it is about September that forever is engraved in us “back to school” and “back to work”. I feel like September should be the real start of the calendar year – it is the start of the New Year, in the Jewish religion anyway.  But it’s more than that, it’s the beginning again of everyone’s hustle, the last few months of nice weather before everyone hibernates for the winter months, or is bombarded with holiday soirees – whichever comes first!

I don’t know about you all but I’m feeling super productive.
I am super excited about all the projects I have coming up including a 2015 Illustrated Calendar, Holiday Card sets, Custom Holiday cards, and first of course – Halloween cards! Stay tuned for so much more to come here and on my Etsy account!!! Many more colllabos and projects in the works and…. Some really exciting news::::::

Behold… an Illustration and jewelry collaboration!
Emily Brickel x Chloe and Isabel

Check out the brand new illustration I did for hot Jewelry company Chloe + Isabel!!!!!  It is so exciting to get to work with a brand like this because as it turns out, I am obsessed with their jewelry. I got a few pieces in the mail and they are sick! I can’t stop wearing them ( show photos) and I had the chance to actually create a customized shop with them where I can share my favorite jewels with you – and YOU CAN PURCHASE THEM through me! Click here to check it out. 
You can now access this link through this illustrated ad on my blog which will be on the top right hand column! Along with… ahem, ahem,…. Three new illustrated buttons to help you easily navigate around my site. Check it out!!!

These pieces look even better in person believe it or not and everywhere I go I am getting stopped on the streets with compliments and people literally grabbing my jewelry and asking where I got it! Woah.

Here are some of my favorites:

More illustrations in the works that I can’t wait to show you!!!

Anyway – back to the blog:

It’s all about the hustle. 
Here are my 5 top tips to getting your hustle on and making waves!

  1. Don’t forget YOU are the temple. Your body is the wheels that run the whole ship so you have NO hustle without your health – make sure to take care of it everyday.  Work out, meditate, and take “me” time. You know this is my best advice. Your cup will runneth over to all the places you need it to go!


  1. Stay organized. The less time you have to spend looking for that piece of paper, that business card or your keys – the more time you have for everything else. If you have big dreams – organization is KEY. It is a time saver and a lifesaver.  Invest in the small amount of time it takes to set up your organization because in the long run it adds up to many valuable free hours. No system is perfect and I am always looking for the latest and greatest ways to stay organized, but do what works for you and update it as you go.


  1. Put your game face on. You gotta show up with GUSTO. When you meet anyone new, when you try something you’ve never done before or when you are just ready to show um what you’ve got – put your best foot forward. Dress the part, educate yourself, be prepared and get excited (but not tooooo overly excited – I need to check myself here sometimes lol!).  This is your moment to convince others of what you already know – that you are MADE for this ShizNit and you are ready to make some moves. Your game face can consist of a smile, the outfit that works perfectly for the situation at hand, and a notebook or your notes section of your smart phone. Remember names, make eye contact and be your authentic you! Others will take notice.


  1. Ask for help. If you are overwhelmed – ask for help. Rome was not built in one day and it was CERTAINLY not built by one man.  Reach out for advice, help or tips. You will be surprised what you will find.


  1. Support others.  Give that help right back to anyone that needs it. When you create a giving situation, more will come right back to you.  The world is such a small place and you needed help at some point along the way! Don’t forget that! There is way more than enough to go around so never feel like giving to someone means less for you.  It is quite the contrary.  What is wrong with supporting and empowering other women (or men) in your field? Wouldn’t it be a much nicer place to live and hustle if we all supported each other’s success? Don’t get jealous, don’t put anyone down and know there is more than enough for all of us. Building others up really builds you up too in the long run.

That’s it for my blog this week! I hope that didn’t overwhelm you – I know that was a lot of information but I can’t help but be so excited!!!
Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to click around my site, and email me if you are interested in early custom orders for holiday, or even some jewelry (can you believe that!?)

Hope that inspires you to up your hustle!
Tell me all about it at

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration