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So I think I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew…. But for now I know I am nearing the home stretch!

Aside from helping to plan my best friend’s bridal shower, planning my engagement party with a lot of moving parts (better late than never!), taking on a 2 month online business course to learn some cool new things, starting a new workout DVD program and on top of that a second workout program that starts next month – I also have been successful at committing to meditating at least 5 days a week (the most I have ever consistently done) and am running my full time business, weekly blog, working on some really cool projects, having a social life and spending some QT with the ‘yonce (#FeYonce that is. If you don’t know…. Now you know  click here, it’s a thing.) I really want this shirt but I digress…

SO – I’m VERY proud of myself, but also stressed, overwhelmed and tired… until I do these amazing tricks. Then I know everything will get done.

Wanna know how to do it all and get S%IT done?

Listen up because here’s what to do:

1) FREAK OUTTTTT… dun da na, dun da, dun da Freak out! (cue the music) ….then get it together!  Get those funky feelings out – move them out of your body, feel the crap outta them, breathe it all in and let it all out.  Give it an hour or so then move on.

Now that the crazy is out of the way….

1) Write a Master List.  Get out a notebook like mine (here). Put pen to paper and create three columns. Business, Personal, and Other. List out every single crazy crap thing you have to do, want to do or think of doing in the distant or near future in the appropriate columns.  I have tried this before and made only one list that was uncategorized, but that kind of overwhelmed me when I went in later to prioritize things.

Trust me – this way is amazing! When you are done doing this go back through your list columns with a highlighter.

Highlight only the things that you have to do TODAY.

3) Prioritize Go back into your list and put an empty check box next to the things you need to get done THIS WEEK.

4) Schedule all of the things you decided MUST get done today and MUST get done this week into your calendar with times so you actually do it.  Repeat this process each week.

Now the weight should be off your shoulders. You have gotten every worry out of your head and onto paper so your mind is clear of clutter. Hopefully now you are de-stressed and ready to tackle the tasks.
Taking it a step further…. Here’s where it gets juicy…. Click HERE To read the rest of my blog! 
5) Do things in advance. I NEEEEEE-VEEEEERRR use to be someone to do things in advance, nope just call me Misses Prooooo-crast-in-ator.
BUT, one day I decided to channel my anxiety about the future and anticipation about the fun and scary things to come into action.   Have a bridal shower / wedding coming up? Go buy the gifts and cards NOW.  Who cares if it’s 3 or 4 months in advance.

The way I look at it is that’s one more thing to cross off my list and move on to the next.  Have a busy summer coming up? Plot out all of your trips on a calendar that you can stick next to your desk 3-4 months out at a time, this way anytime you are trying to figure out any logistics, glance over at your calendar and enjoy some peace of mind that most things are already taken care of.

6) Don’t question yourself.  Unsure of what to do? FLIP A COIN.  Make heads a Yes and tails a No. Ask the question – Should I work with this person / hire this person / go to that event / follow that path, or whatever you want to know.  Flip the coin.

IGNORE WHAT THE COIN SAYS!!!  Go with your reaction to what the coin says.  Wha??????  Yes, you heard me.

If you asked “Should I go to that event” and the coin said YES, but your immediate reaction was “NOOOO!! I don’t want to go”. Then listen to your gut reaction.

This is a clever trick I picked up along the way, reinforcing that you will have an intuitive reaction to what the coin is telling you to do. That is how you know what you feel about the direction to take.  It’s not about the coin, it’s about tapping into your gut.

7) If all else fails, Revert to the experts. One of my favourite quotes of all time bestowed to me by the late, great Rabbi Harvey Weil a.k.a. my grandfather is “He who knows all, knows that he knows nothing.” – Socrates.

There are so many things to learn and know right at this very second, but it is impossible to know everything. If you think you do, you are wrong! Do what you can, figure it out to the best of your abilities. Then if you can’t figure it out – find an expert. It is not your job to know everything but you can find others who can enlighten you along the way.

That’s it for now but remember these steps any time you are stressed and dealing with overwhelm. Take one step at a time and don’t be afraid to lean on others.

I want to know what you think! Leave a comment below and tell me about it!

As always,
Hope that inspires you!