Screenshot 2015-07-16 14.06.19

 Illustration of @Lindsilanestyle and @Songofstyle

 Hey there!

So this weekend is Miami Swim leading into LA Swim at The London Hotel in West Hollywood on July 23rd and we are so excited to be there with Chic Sketch all day sketching the shows. Since LA Swimweek is by invitation only, let Chic Sketch be your insider connection to some of LA’s hottest fashion events. Be sure to follow @chicsketch on Instagram and snapchat, along with my handle @EmilyBrickel for most chic updates through out the day.

Believe it or not, this will be my first trip to Cali, and I am so excited. I have always wanted to go there but never had the chance to make it until now.  The first part of our trip will be in Laguna Beach and then we will head over to LA for the event, making sure to squeeze in some extra-touristy things and some honeymoon-like excursions.  A little bit of business, a little bit of pleasure. My kind of trip!

For this week’s illustration I just HAD to draw the adorably chic party floats that are popping up all over every cool fashion bloggers insta feeds.
I have to admit that I am insanely jealous that I am not Hamptoning on a blow up Swan or Pegasus. (Maybe they will have some in LA!?!)

Summer is when I miss my old house and our pool in Long Island. If my mom still lived there I would be right on that Flamingo, Pizza or Sprinkle Doughnut float bandwagon enjoying the sun.  Until then, I hope you enjoy these illustrations (soon to be available as prints on Etsy!! Stay tuned!)

I love the feeling of getting ready for a trip, planning my outfits and packing.   We have some pretty cool adventures lined up and of course we will be checking out at least one of Lisa Vanderpump’s 3 restaurants.

Anyway, there will be no blog next week but I’ll be sure to update you on my adventures LIVE on snapchat (Have I mentioned I’m obsessed) and on my blog when I return.

Stay on my social media and snapchat for behind the scenes access!
As for now, go jump on a Pegasus float and keep on your Summer Love Adventures!
Hope that inspires you!

Follow me on Instagram and Snapchat @EmilyBrickel