Screenshot 2014-05-15 02.57.08
I am so excited to share this illustration with you- it is one I am really proud of and was used in such a cool way as the basis for the website

The illustration was designed so that you can click around different pieces of her inspiration board and be lead to learn about parts of Lauren’s website and story.

Today I want to inspire you to share some of your story. 

And today, my story is about trusting your intuition, following your heart and being real all the way through.

I almost didn’t have the strength to write my blog today (which will be yesterday by the time you read it) because I have been dealing with a terrible food allergy reaction from last Tuesday (yes a week and a half ago!!!!) that has been reappearing every few meals I have eaten since. Today (yesterday for you) I finally had a much-needed upper endoscopy that I kind of have been avoiding for a while.

To give you a quick backstory – through many trial and error elimination diets, nutritionists, doctors, gastroenterologists, etc, I have figured out that I am allergic to gluten for the last few years and now possibly dairy in the last year and my reactions seem to be getting worse.  I think that stress amplifies it and finally – through evolving technology I am getting tested (again) for Celiacs– which I really hope I don’t have- through blood tests and biopsies.

It sucks not to be able to eat the food I want – and I am a big foodie, but over time I have learned that I would rather feel good than enjoy a few minutes of eating something that will make me sick.

Through out the years so many doctors have told me that there really is nothing wrong with my stomach and I don’t have these allergies – but only recently has technology and the food industry caught up with what my intuition has been telling me all these years.

I can usually tell what foods I can’t eat beyond the obvious breads, pastas and sauces.  My intuition is sometimes is so good that I can tell if chicken or other things that I ordered “gluten and diary free” to the waiters is lightly coated in flour or not.  Listening to that intuition – however sometimes isn’t as easy as it sounds.

It is so much easier to listen to your brain, listen to what you have been told and to easily believe you should “trust” that person is telling you. (Onlyt to get sick after realizing you were right and it did have flour – #rude)

I don’t really want to bore you with my food allergy experiences- though I could certainly write a book on it. However, I do want to convey that your intuition is really there to guide you (in all circumstances)– and you need to stop shooing it away.

Trusting your body, what foods to eat and what not to eat is massively important to support the health and vitality you and I need to live our purpose and do what we are meant to do in the world. It is so much bigger and so much more important than a “diet” or loosing weight. It’s about intuitively eating for nourishment.

The same is true for so many situations.  Listening to your intuition about where to go, what to do and what to avoid is imperative to your wellbeing.

If you feel like you are not in the place in your life that you want to be – ask yourself – do I let my intuition guide me? The answer should be clear. Start listening and you can live your dream life.

Use this lesson with people, friends, family and work.  Getting a gross feeling from people you may not want to be around? Do you feel uncomfortable in a certain situation? Listen to that feeling – that is your intuition telling you something.  It is all laid out in some divine plan for you, but it is up to you to trust your instincts and pave the path you want to go down.

I will keep this short and sweet because my intuition says that I need to rest- but on that note – let your intuition guide YOU.

And as always,
Hope that inspires you.

If you want me to help tell your story for your blog, business or website with a custom illustration email me at

Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration