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After the holidays, after all the madness is said and done it’s the prefect time to recharge. To rejuvenate and reorganize your dreams and priorities.

Take a good look at what you have been doing and see if it still works for you.   Decide to honor yourself and rearrange what works and what doesn’t. Take time to slow down and reflect on the impact you have been making and the impact you want to be making.

It’s never too late to change your patterns and change your path.

The new year is always a great time to really get it together and start fresh.

Knowing what you want and what you don’t want are the keys to a happy life. Knowing how to say yes or no unapologetically to your desires or to things that drain your energy is imperative to a lifetime of ease, health and positivity.

Do what feels good for you. Take time to rest, meditate, exercise and eat well. Get cozy with yourself and your ideas for the future.

Take gentle charge of the direction you are heading and realign your wheels.

You are in control of your destiny and now is a great time to remember that.

So what would you do differently for the new year? Let me know and comment.

Hope that inspires you!


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