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Illustration privately commissioned by for her sister, who shines bright.

Many of us wish to live a life beyond our wildest dreams, but what happens when we actually get some of the things we dream about? Or what happens if we never seem to get there?

Sometimes we only wish for things that are “attainable” for fear of disappointment or for disbelief in our ability to achieve, attain or be worthy of that which we really truly desire.

Believing in your greatness is something really special and of service to the world because when you shine bright, you can bring your gifts to those who need it and help in a way that only you can.

Believe it or not, this is something I have had major guilt over and major blocks around for years.

My mentor Gabrielle Bernstein says it best when she reminds us of a quote from Marianne Williamson. “We ask ourselves, who am I to be gorgeous, talented, brilliant, fabulous. Actually, who are you not to be?”

Just think about it: If we all as individuals were to shine our brightest, live a life beyond our wildest dreams, have true abundance in every sense of the word and live at our healthiest, optimal peak level – wouldn’t we all be able to have the resources, the stamina, the energy, the courage and the conviction to do exactly that which we are here to do at our highest potential.

What if Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Steve Jobs or the President of the United States didn’t believe they should shine like the brilliant star they are and thought instead they should feel guilt about having more than others, what others would say or about hurting their friends and families’ feelings if they all of a sudden became rich, famous, influential and had to fly around the world to do their jobs.

If they believed this more than they believed that they should shine and have the resources to do so, we would not have felt their impact. They would not have been able to give back, inspire us with their music, help those in need with their charities, support their families, and create great change in the world.

It is your DUTY as the special and original human being that you are to shine your brightest, do your best, reap and enjoy the rewards.

Gabby explains this in a way that is really tangible. She says if she did not believe she was worth more, and didn’t ask for more when negotiating her deals, she would not have the income that she has now. Thus she would not have the ability to fly around the world to promote her books, pay for her hotel rooms, the health care that she needs to keep her mind, body and spirit in optimal health, hire staff to support her message, or do things that she loves like experience beautiful food, fashion, travel so that she can become continually inspired to create more and influence more.

You are worthy of this too. We all are.

If you love food, the God or universe gave you that passion so you should have the ability, financially, physically and energetically to enjoy food from all cuisines. If you love fashion, you should have the ability to enjoy it, purchase it, work with it, and wear what makes you feel beautiful and inspired. If you adore beautiful things, you should have the ability to be a collector of beautiful things. If you get fired up by connecting with people you should have the ability to travel, and present yourself in a way that you can connect with as many people as possible.

The universe did not intent for those who had a passion for food to have lost the sensation to taste.

The universe did not intend for those who have no passion at all to have all of the wealth in the world to enjoy, but wanted nothing to enjoy.

Likewise, the universe did not intend for those who have nothing, financially, physically or spiritually to lack the passion and drive to overcome those obstacles and get on their path to shine.

Sometimes these things do happen, but I believe you can always change your circumstance if you believe in yourself and use your gift of free will.

Maybe the person that lost the sensation of taste was meant to discover a cure to restore those sensations. Only with the abundance, mentally, physically, emotionally, connectively or financially can one accomplish these feats and only in believing in one’s greatness and worthiness of these support systems can one attain these supports.

You should not feel guilt over attaining things that inspire you and that which you have a passion for.

However, sometimes others who do not allow themselves to feel worthy of enjoying what they love, are able to make you feel that guilt about enjoying what you love. In actuality it is because of their deep down internal guilt of not believing in themselves enough. If you are influenced by this guilt, maybe you don’t believe in yourself as much as you thought.

And that is ok.  But once you realize it, it is not ok to stay there. Your job as a human being, your journey in life, original as you are – is to shine bright. So get to work. Start believing. It’s just that simple.

Did I say believing? I mean really, unapologetically, seriously believing that you are meant to shine, deep down and too the core. Nothing less will do.

In what areas of your life do you need to allow yourself to shine?

Hope that inspires you!

