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Illustration of TheSABeauty

I am so inspired today, after taking a bit of my own advice and doing what I call “slaying the giant” I have come across a new, profound discovery!

At first…

I have lately been working out in the mornings, before my day starts and it is probably the MOST amazing and productive choice I have made in the history of small changes. By working out in the morning I have pretty much eliminated any excuse towards NOT working out besides really being sore or feeling too weak. I have literally increased my weekly workouts by 2 to 3 times the amount I was previously exercising.  I’m clocking in 5, maybe 6 or even 7 workouts a week. Pretty revolutionary in my book.

And I feel AMAZING! I have so much more energy. But the real reason I feel so good… I spent one hour doing something so important to me that I have been putting off for way too long! I’ll tell you why…

It’s not that my workload has decreased and I have more time for working out – No. My workload has actually drastically increased and I still have time for working out – BECAUSE I PUT IT FIRST.

So, what I’m getting at here is a tried and true practice of putting the most important things first.  I’m not talking about the most important thing out of your daily tasks. I’m talkin’ what’s most important to YOU in the grand scheme of things, over the course of your life and what you want to accomplish. This means something for YOU (Yes I am repeating this for all those people out there who put themselves last), not to a client, not to your family but to YOU. It’s your life – you are in charge of how you spend your time and what you accomplish.

When you put off the things that are most important to you, you rarely find the time to do them. Just like paying yourself first, if you pay yourself AFTER all your bills have been paid there may be nothing left to go into your savings.  This is a theory from many people including my Grandfather, and the author of the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”  Need more convincing? See my fountain theory here.

Now hold on, here is the discovery…  Slay Your Giant First! Although I knew this, preached about it and convinced myself I was using this practice – I really wasn’t. I am not sure where I heard this phrase but I think it could have been something Scott Belsky said, of The 99Percent or something I learned from one of my self-organization books like “How Can I get myself to do what I need to do” By Terry Gogna that I read years ago.  Anyway these are great resources to go if you need any organizational advice.

By blocking out one hour a day to do your most important work for YOURSELF you will feel ultimately so fulfilled and so full of energy and happiness.

Don’t think you are being selfish with your time, you are NOT.  You are actually doing a service for all of your clients, your friends, your family because if you are your best you and feel self-fulfilled Imagine how much you will have to bring to the table!

This true understanding of Slaying my Giant came when I noticed I am getting really fit and toned and I am actually enjoying working out as opposed to fighting and resisting working out in the afternoon/evening.

This may sound so obvious (and it is) but I realized, If I could give one hour a day to working out and drastically improve my health, energy, everyday pain and reach my fitness goals ….. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I GAVE ONE HOUR A DAY TO FULFILLING MY DREAMS!

Although yes, I am living an amazing life I created and run my own business and set my own hours, this is something ANYONE and EVERYONE can do! Although I have my own business, the daily work of actually RUNNING the business and creating inspiring products and services is a full time job and its so easy to focus on the NOW and not work on the future goals.  However, never working on the future goals really won’t propel you that far.

Think about it: One hour a day for years = dreams and soul projects fulfilled and accomplished.  Pushing it off until you have time = never having the time because you didn’t MAKE the time.

We ALL have 24 hours a day. What’s the worst that could happen if you took one hour out of your day for your health, and one hour out of your day for your dreams?  I still think 22 hours a day is a lot to work with.

Mark my words, JUST by taking those two hours to focus on something you really care about you will feel a huge change in your life.  You will feel MORE fulfilled if all you accomplished that day are those two hours, than if you accomplished a WHOLE day worth of daily tasks.   Let that marinate for a moment.

If you had all the time and money in the world, what would you spend your time doing?

Now think about what would happen if you spent one hour a day doing that.  Pretty life changing right?

Try it out, I dare you!

Hope that inspires you,

