Screenshot 2014-03-20 04.09.13

So it is officially that TIME,

that day that we wish for all winter long – The spring equinox.  I could not be more excited (visualize me jumping up and down). Many things about spring are exciting.

First on my list is the emergence of the Cadbury egg readily available at every drugstore checkout aisle.  I wait for that baby all year round, and no it’s definitely not on my diet of gluten free and dairy free, but I make an exception every year – you only live once!

And second, well SPRING obviously. Warmer weather, spring shopping, brights and pastels flocking the fashion racks and a lightheartedness in the air. Springtime always reminds me of this song:

{Warning: These songs are circa 1994-6 …. When me and my sister Rachel would blast our “boom box” through our bedroom window opening the windows for the first times since winter and wear shiny polyester floral printed blouses and denim skirts, probably with a flower clip in our hair….. I was 8 and my sister about 5  … proceed with caution to be transported into a time warp…}

Any Ace of Base song from their album Happy Nation especially this one “The Sign” , “All that She wants”  , “Don’t Turn around”,

and from their album The Bridge “It’s a Beautiful Life”  which especially has a lot of meaning to me.

This song is practically my life’s anthem and every time I hear it, it makes me really grateful of my journey.  I remember doing a dance to this song a few years later with my elementary school best friend Juliana (I used to call her Julie) on stage at the annual talent show, right after my dad passed away.  I remember seeing my mom from the audience tear up because this song really moved her, seeing her daughter dancing and celebrating life, remembering that life goes on, even right after my dad died.  “It’s a Beautiful Life” really reminds me why I started this blog, why it is my PASSION and life goal to live my dreams, to be grateful for everyday and to inspire myself and others as best I can.

Spring is such a rebirth of all things physical and energetic.  Time to get out of the hibernation mode and bloom like the flower you are! Cheesy, yes – True, absolutely.  Songs like this remind me of these things. It reminds me to live every day like it’s your last and to never give up in what you believe. That is why I am so strong in my conviction to this.

This new season is a time of new beginnings, a time to reenergize your passions, drive and life.  If shit hits the fan, take a breath and realize now that with the coming of spring, we all have a chance to start a new.

So go on, pick up some new bright floral frocks, some pastel shoes or some of the cutest neon bags.. ahm Valentino…. and get ready to be reinvigorated!

Hope that inspires you,