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Sometimes you just have to listen to exactly what your body is telling you, and mine over the last few weeks has not just been telling me to slow down, it has been enforcing me to slow down by literally making me do just that.

Taking it easy has so many different levels and meanings to each person and with my life – I can never really stop because I run my own business so If I do – there goes my income – but I can drastically slow down when I need to and say no to things that are not inline with my purpose.

1)  If your body needs sleep – shut it down early (your computer or tv) and take a nap or get to bed early. A lot of times “sleeping on it” helps clear your brain of stress and reprograms you to make clearer decisions and do work more effectively.  Remember – work SMARTER, not HARDER or you’ll burn out.  Read more here.

2) Schedule time for “Me” (YOU!) like baths, extra time before breakfast for a work out, meditation, walk, or to read the newspaper or blogs. Even making time NOT TO RUSH when getting ready is a ritual that will really keep the wrinkles off.

3) Do something in your pleasure zone that is just for you. For me right now it is carving out time to read my current book “Unleash the Spirit Within” by Rebecca Rosen. If I do this at least a few times a week – I feel happy, rested and relaxed.  Laying in bed to read a book even for a half an hour is something that really lets me disconnect from any of the stresses and helps me feel good about taking care of myself. Think about what that could be for you.

Taking inventory of the things that are important to you is super critical so that you know where to focus your energy on and still get things done.

1) Make a list of your top 3 goals in life and if it doesn’t align with one of your goals – say no!

2) Figure out where you feel depleted or drained and lacking. Is it family, friends, work, romance or health? It will be different for everyone. Whatever it is make sure to spend some time working on that area. Balance is key and it will lead to a happy life.  At the end of ones life, people have said “I wish I spent more time with my family and friends” or “I wish I had put my dreams first” or “I wish I focused more on love” or “I wish I took care of my health better”– no one ever said “Oh I wish I had finished that research paper” or “I’m so happy I put everyone else first instead of me”.  It’s all about balance. Where you feel out of balance – you will regret later on. Fix it NOW!Your overall health and vitality is instrumental in becoming the vehicle by which you get to live your dreams. Eating for nourishment, and energy – not for taste and emotional satisfaction is key to your strength and wellness to get things done.

1) Take advantage of the beautiful (sometimes) weather, go for a stroll and stop to smell the roses.  Treat your body to the things it needs like sun, exercise, oxygen and nourishing foods.  Obviously we are all human and we crave some sugary foods so for me it has to be gluten and dairy free (hence the title of macaroons – my fav) but for you it can be anything that agrees with your body – in moderation.

2) Make sure you are getting the right vitamins and nutrients.  Food is nature’s medicine. If you are suffering with any type of DIS-ease then your food’s nutrients are lacking. Read this article about the truth about cancer and how to avoid it. It says: “When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.”  Now I’m not saying that you or I have cancer or (hopefully) will ever have it – but IMAGINE knowing how to prevent the worst possible health crisis and imagine what living this way could do for any type of dis-ease ever!!!  Getting all the nutrients your body needs can completely change the game in your health. Food was made to give us natural medicine before science ever evolved. Use what your mama gave you (mama Earth that is) and eat clean unprocessed foods to fight off health crises.
3) Meditate for oxygen, stress relief and many other benefits.  It helps release anger, frustration, grief and bitterness. It will also help you listen to your intuition and make the right choices for you in every area of your life. Read my last post for more info on that! 

And lastly,

-Your body is your temple – not a trash receptacle where you just pile junk into it. Treat it as such.

-The spring and summer only come around once a year. Stop and smell the roses and enjoy every second of this moment because it will never come again.

-Take care of your body FIRST so that you can overflow with things to give to others.

And now a quote from the Late Maya Angelou, RIP.

“You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.”
– Interview from the April 2011 edition of O, the Oprah Magazine (2011)

As always,
Hope that inspires you!

Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration

Hope that inspires you!
