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We all procrastinate from time to time, but is your procrastination actually holding you back from much greater things.

Here is the ultimate procrastination guide for those times when you really can’t get moving and what it says about your project and state of mind.

1) Think about the reason why you are procrastinating?

Are you overwhelmed, scared of the outcome, dreading more responsibility if you succeed, fearful of what others will think of you and, or the project once it is completed? Or does it put more pressure on you? Etc., etc. etc.
2) Determine what’s going on for you in the moment when you put something off and try to pinpoint the exact reason and how you are feeling about it.  This will help you identify how to proceed.

Usually when you are procrastinating, what you are putting off is either something:

A)   really important to you.

B)    really important to someone else.

C)   Something you really WANT to do but are afraid to do.

D)   Or something you really DON’T want to do because of a deeper reason.

When we procrastinate it usually involves something of a polarizing nature. Generally things that are blasé are easy for us to prioritize and check off our list.

Procrastination is another way of holding us back, a not-so-helpful defense mechanism if you will.  Our “fear mind” is telling us that it’s way too scary to proceed since we are going to be out of our comfort zone, however being out of our comfort zone is how we grow. When we surpass the limits we have previously set for ourselves of course it will scare the ISH out of us but hey, would you rather stay stagnant? No.

3) Figure out the worst-case scenario. What if you attempt this supposed “cataclysmic project”? What will actually happen if you succeed:  Will your peers or close relationships hate on you? Perhaps, but haters gon’ hate (that’s what they say in those rap vids right?) and most of the time, that means you’re doing something right.  Never dim your light just because it’s shining in someone’s eyes!

What will happen if you fail? Will you die? Not likely. Will you be completely ostracized? Probably not.  Will you get right back up again? Yes, you will (at least eventually) – and – if you feel like you can’t then take the time you need, lick your wounds and get your strength back.  Everyone fails at some point or another. The only people who fail A LOT are the people who are successful (because they never gave up)! And just to bring the point home: the only people that NEVER fail are the people that NEVER tried!!!!!

It took a long time for me to learn this lesson, and I still have to remind myself of it sometimes but it is so incredibly important!

Most of the time the worst-case scenario is not as bad as we originally thought and we really are our own worst enemies.

4) Now figure out what will happen if you DON’T complete (or start) this project you have been putting off?

That right there will probably be enough to light a fire under your tuchus.

Whomever the work is for (you, a boss, friend or peer), they will be mad at you and sometimes that is worse than your figment worst-case scenario.

5) The fastest way to stop procrastinating is to… STOP procrastinating!!!!  Get on that desk, put pen to paper (or whatever the situation calls for), say a little prayer and just start.

6) If you are really having trouble, tell yourself you will only start this for 15 minutes. Then stop if you feel called to, or keep going. Whatever feels good to you. Take a short break if you need to but knowing that you already started will make it much easier for you to get back on it after your break.

The worst regrets in life are not the things you accomplished but could have done better; they are the things you NEVER EVEN STARTED to begin with.

Hope that inspires you, now go on and get on it!

