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Perception is everything. Reality is totally different.  Now, That’s not to say if you dress up like a cat you will be a cat, but … (maybe just for Halloween!)

Reality is actually completely different for everyone.  Your reality is different from my reality and each of our realities are different from your parent’s and siblings realities, your friends realities and your coworker’s realities.  How is this possible? Because it is our PERCEPTION of reality that changes from person to person, and that is why perception is everything.

If you perceive your life to be hard, and a struggle, it will be. If you perceive the road to be long and the battle to be tough, it is. If you perceive your life to be full of joy and abundance, so be it.

If you think of yourself as ugly or to have a big nose, that is the reality you live in, and you truly feel that way – going on, day in and day out, feeling bad about yourself.  Meanwhile, someone else may think your nose is the most perfect nose they have ever seen and that you are really beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

If you identify yourself as intelligent, you live in a world where you ARE intelligent. You feel you make smart choices, based on the choices you have seen others make and based on those around you. However, that doesn’t mean someone else can think the exact opposite is true, and be correct – in their own reality – and based on their experience perceive your choices to be ignorant and inept.

It is all based on perception.  Your analysis of yourself is based on how you view others around you, their behaviors and your past experiences. From that you draw a conclusion.

That teaches us to all be a little more compassionate.  Someone you may be judging may just as well be judging you.  When in an argument, someone else’s point may seem preposterous, yet when you try to see things from their eyes you can see that each reality may be true.

The Earth was deemed flat based on our perception of walking, sailing and driving on land. The Earth was deemed round upon our discovery of flight and our view from higher altitudes.

Ok, ok – what am I getting at you ask? It is a very simple yet complex point.  We create our own realities.  Our minds and thoughts organize themselves in a way that informs the world around us.  The thoughts we think inform the feelings we have, which then create the energy we release into the world.  Those around us recognize the energy we give off subconsciously.  The energy we feel determines our day, our mood and compoundly, our life.

If all this is true, then why couldn’t you change your whole life as you know it.   You can.

Change your perception of being the VICTIM to the VICTOR of your life.

Change your perception that “It can’t be done” to “You need 99 no’s to get 1 yes,” and that “impossible is nothing.”

You have to make the choice EACH and every day to live in Faith, or to live in Fear.  The stories that we tell ourselves from our past are lodged so deeply in our psyche that we believe them whole-heartedly.

We believe that we are worthless without those external things we seek. We believe that because it happened once, it will happen again. We believe that our future will be based on our past suffering.

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you will certainly most always be right.” Henry Ford.

Change your story.  Declare that although it happened in the past, it does not have to be our future.  Decide that your family’s story or struggle is not your own.  Choose to have faith that your past occurred to teach you lessons to deal with your future so that you don’t have to replay history.

Choose to tell the story you WANT to live, as opposed to the story you keep telling from your past and decide that NO LONGER is your truth!

Choose the story of your life.

Hope that inspires you!



Special thanks to my mentor Gabrielle Bernstein who ingrained this theory into me and I wanted to share it with you!f

P.S. Im giving away $50 off your Order of Custom Illustrated Holiday Cards for the Early Birds, Now – Nov 8th with code: EARLYBIRD13

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