I think we all have times in our lives when we grow through a somewhat painful yet liberating transition, like being aware that we can now actually push through. I feel like I am going through something like that right now.

There are times in life when we plow through, productively and produce great work – and then there are times, a day or even a minute when we feel as though we are running in ssssssllllloooooowwwwww motion through a fog or some goopy green gel (get the visual here, make sure you say “slow” like they do in movies in slow motion, k!) Anyway, those are the times when we must face our fears, or face the music and let the emotions come out.  Not plow through like we may do any other day, but take the time, (an hour, a day, a weekend) to cocoon, to rest, to cry and let our wing’s molecules reorganize.  For if we don’t, we will never transition from caterpillar to butterfly.

I want to read you something from Deepak Chopra’s The Book of Secrets. I read this a while ago and it totally stuck with me.

Deepak talks about the concept of one reality. In page 22 and 23 of his book he goes on to astonish that:

“We are all familiar with this metamorphosis (that of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly), having witnessed it as children… But what goes on invisibly inside the chrysalis remains deeply mysterious. The caterpillar’s organs and tissues dissolve into an amorphous, souplike state, only to reconstitute into a structure of a butterfly’s body that bears no resemblance to the caterpillar at all.”  …

“Two hormones, one called juvenile hormone, the other ecdysone, regulate the process, which look to the naked eye like a caterpillar dissolving into soup. These two hormones make sure that the cells moving from larva to butterfly know where they are going and how the are to change.  Some cells are told to die; others digest themselves, while still others turn into eyes, antennae, and wings. This implies a fragile (and miraculous) rhythm that must remain in precise balance between creation and destruction.”

I think that is rather fitting in our own transformations.  Some old beliefs or habits are told to die, other emotions and feelings we must “digest” to understand our motives and to heal and grow; while other elements of our current state reorganize themselves into more effective energies, thoughts and actions – giving us wings that allow us to fly.

Listen to your body, and rest when you need rest, dig deeper when you feel something is blocking you and embrace the need to cocoon instead of denying your intuitive request to prepare for your wings.

Thanks to my mentors and soul sisters for guiding me on this path, especially Lory and Maureen!

I hope this inspires you,

