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The Universe gives what you give.

I am currently sitting on my floor trying to unscramble my brain of all the things that I am stressing out about and I went on instagram for inspiration. This is what popped up: “The universe takes us as seriously as we take it”- Marianne Williamson via Gabrielle Bernstein – a quote on my instagram feed.

Thank you! That was all I needed.
If I am not sure on my decisions, constantly doubting myself, then how can the universe co-create what I desire?…. It can’t.

Try telling a restaurant what kind of food you want to order and if you can’t make up your mind and are too confused, adding ingredients, substituting ingredients, questioning if the ingredient is a good idea, etc.  – what do you think they are going to give you? They will have no idea what you want either until you make up your mind!

Making up your mind and committing to making a move or decision that is scary (big or small) can really drive you crazy if you go back and forth between what your heart says and what your head says.

Sometimes you need to sit down right were you are, close your eyes, take a deep breath, clear your mind and just be. The answer will probably come right to you (like it did with this instagram post- thanks Gab)

Trust in the universe and what you desire will be delivered.

Having faith means being unwavering and standing strong in your conviction.

With big risk comes big reward. If you are struggling to decide if you want to do, take a big leap. Feel the fear and do it anyway.  I have a huge decision to make, one that is currently scaring the crap out of me. And for no good reason too! I know in my logical brain that I have done this before, I know it can be done, I know I’m more than capable but still my fear voice is having a huge yelling fest of a party. F that.

Life is short. Easier said than done- oh I know all about it.

The pressure you put on yourself is likely greater than the pressure anyone else ever could. Go with it.
Nothing has to be perfect. It will be scary, but it will be so worth it in the end.

Trust yourself. Trust the Universe. Trust in God and the divine plan that is for you and you alone to take.

“You can’t live your dreams if you don’t take the steps to bring them into reality. ”

Hope that inspires you!

Emily. Now watch as I – shaking in my boots go practice what I preach!

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration