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So as you know I have been listening to Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s daily meditations on The Chopra Center 21 day Meditation Challenge and this one is about desire and destiny.

One of the day’s meditations asks you to question – “What is it that I really want?” and Deepak says, “Your heart knows the answer.”

So what if that’s true, if your heart really knows the answer to your deepest desires then why are some of our dreams still left unfulfilled?

It is because we are afraid to go deeper.  We hear “What do you want” and we answer with our ego… a car, a big house, a designer bag, a great relationship, a successful career.  But we need to go even deeper.  Why is it that you want these things – because the things will never make you fulfilled even after you get them.

The truth is we all want some sort of intrinsic need to be met; to feel loved, to express our creativity, to be heard, to feel important, etc.

When you get down to the core of what you really want you can base your dreams and your plans on satisfying these needs.

Epicurus said “(It is) not what we have, but what we enjoy that constitutes abundance.”

Here is a quote from the meditations that really hit home with me. “Our desires are a force of nature that can’t be denied. You are here to fulfill a purpose, your desires are clues that lead you directly to the expression of your destiny.”

Pursue what captures your heart.  Trust in your desires and use it as a map to fulfilling your dreams.

Even I feel like I am not expressing myself fully – even after I write my weekly blog, create my weekly illustrations and work for myself and on my client’s projects, there is still so much more to express.  I still feel like there is a part of me that I am holding back on.  If I feel this way, I’m sure one of you must feel this too.  What is it that you are holding back on?

I am making a commitment to myself to rediscover how I can fully express my creativity and I know things are on the way but I am making a change in myself to really dig deeper than just the hit of inspiration – to take more risks and to give more of me to all that I do.

As my mentor Gabrielle Bernstein has said: (and she has really changed my life if you haven’t noticed) “People ask me if I like the person I have become, …. And I reply that it is not the person I have become, but it is that I have become more myself.”

I hope this helps even one of you get at least one step closer to fulfilling your dreams! Go with in.

Hope that inspires you!


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