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Original Fashion Design & Illustration By Emily Brickel

It is time to get festive and I have some major spring fever (you might have guessed from my previous posts.)

This weekend is Cinco De Mayo, a favorite holiday of mine, a celebratory day in the Mexican heritage, and furthermore a really good reason for us to grab some margaritas and guacamole and dig in! Also my puppy will be 2 years old so I have some extra celebrating to do!

For me it feels like Cinco De Mayo is really the start of the summer celebrations we are about to embark on. It’s the first time since the winter months that we are really getting out there to celebrate in spring weather for us folks here in New York.

But it’s more than just that, this time of year means it’s occasion enough to get up and celebrate what you have goin’ on in your life!

Lets face it, we worked hard all winter, we sowed our oats and now is the time to get really grateful for everything in our lives.

Some of you may be like, what? My life and my options are totally sucking for me right now, but the truth of the matter is “In any given moment you can choose to see what’s right about a situation or what’s wrong about a situation, and either way you’re gonna find evidence to support what you’re looking for….. Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.”– Marie Forleo.

If your not feelin’ in the festive mood – go down your gratitude list and really feel grateful for every SINGLE thing you have from your bed sheets, the roof over your head, your six senses (I like to count intuition as the sixth – not the scary ghost stuff), the fact that hopefully everything is functioning right in your body, for your clothes, your internet, EVERYTHING and literally thank God or the Universe for everything you have, every single night!  This will make you super happy on the inside and it will radiate to the outside!

The more comfortable you get with being happy and experiencing gratitude for the little things and the things we take for granted, the bigger your heart threshold can grow.  What is your heart threshold you may ask? It is the amount of happiness you are comfortable with accepting and once you pass that threshold we sometimes start to self -sabotage.  (Read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, so many great points I will be quoting him for months!)

The more happiness you are comfortable accepting, means the more success, love and abundance that will come to you.

Finding reason to celebrate exactly where you are, right now, no matter what the circumstance is absolutely reason to Get Festive!!!

Now go on, get grateful and enjoy life!
Hope that inspires you!

