Screenshot 2014-09-11 14.02.44

Fashion Week Recap illustration of: Rodarte, Diane Von Furstenberg,
Badgely Mischka, Oscar de La Renta and Narciso Rodriguez.

It feels like it should be Friday and it’s only Wednesday (as I write this). Jordan and I have been super busy the last few weeks. We were away for Labor Day weekend wedding planning and we got back last Tuesday evening. We hit the ground running with a short work week, Fashion Week streaming, a Friday wedding, a Saturday pop-up in store event for my illustrations, another wedding Saturday, working in the office Sunday to catch up, 2 news interviews for Jordan on Monday about the iPhone 6 release, another news interview for Jordan Tuesday, a fashion show, a dinner with a long lost friend, a fashion show after party (that I could not muster up the energy to attend) and now a baseball game at Yankee stadium where we got the opportunity to go on field as one of Jordan’s client’s guests.

It’s been crazy and I have managed to get a ton of work done on the go, and I’m still going strong.  I’m writing this as we speak while watching the Yankee game from our seats.

It’s all about the hustle. It’s all about the multitasking. And let me tell you what else it’s all about… It’s all about these game-changing habits to push though.

Let me guide you through your most hectic days.

1) Get comfy with your AM routine.
Schedule in plenty of time to stick to your morning routine. Keep the rituals you normally do like your workout, your time on the computer to read your news or blogs, time to feed the dog, make breakfast, get ready, clean up, etc. Skipping anything you normally do on an extra busy day will likely give you a kick-start of frustration and frazzlement (yes I created that word) before you even leave the house.

2) Wake up 30 minutes earlier than you really need to.
Not that you want to cut out any last minutes of beauty sleep you can get, but it’s worth it when you have some extra leisure time to plan out your day.  Use that time to slow down, take a longer shower, prep for a meeting or just get out early to grab a much-deserved Starbucks. Having that extra time on a hectic day will make you feel even more confident and ready to tackle the day ahead.

3) Catch some ZZZ’s
Nothing preps you better and gets you through the day like enough sleep. Numerous studies have shown how effective your brain lymphatic system is at literally “draining” out the stress toxins from your body. When you don’t get enough sleep you feel the difference.

4) Beautify with my fav products.
Kick up your beauty routine to fight visible sign of stress. I love Glamglow super mud clearing treatment here . Jack Black face buff here. It’s for men but I got a sample from Sephora and LOVEEED it, it scrubs dead skin cells and makes you feel awake with Vit C and menthol. I also love Sabon Facial Moisture Lotion in Dessert Flower here and my newest obsession is Vichy Life Serum here. This last one is perfect for behavioral signs of aging like lifestyle factors (city living, stress, UV rays, and lack of sleep. Time stands no chance when your skin looks like time stood still.

5) Make time your b*tch
Multitask the crap out of your day.
Any time in a car, waiting in line, or doing something that does not require your full attention: get some extra emails out, write your blog or any content/ documents etc. in your notes section of your smart phone and email it to yourself later. When home you can just copy and paste it into a word document and you’re good to go. Make lists, get ready for new clients, and basically check off your to do list. Anything is possible, from anywhere with the power of smart phones. Take advantage and make time work for you.

6) Listen to your body
Although I really wanted to go to the fashion show after party last night, I skipped it because my body was telling me to slow down. The dinner ran late, I had tons of work to catch up on and it just didn’t feel like I could handle another event that day with out possibly getting sick. Running my own business- when I sleep, my company sleeps, when I’m sick, my company is basically closed. I have learned to take care of my body so well that I don’t let that happen. So…. same goes for you. Trust your body and what it’s saying. If it’s tired, sleep; depleted, fuel it and so on.

7) Time is just an illusion.
When you think you don’t have time – you don’t. When you make time, you will always have it. Sound confusing? Read up on it Eckhart Tolle. He says : “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.”  Time is NOW. Seize the day and make the most of every second. Create the time that you need and it will be there. Check out his book for a more detailed explanation here.

Latest Look:

A ton of people have been asking about my outfits and where I get things so I present to you, my Latest Look coming tomorrow!  Giving this a try!

Hope that inspires you!

Follow me on Instagram @EmilyBrickel and my new account for all things fashion illustration @EmilyBrickelillustration