(This article was sent out in last Thursday’s newsletter. To get my blogs the momement they happen, subscribe to my newsletter on the top right of this page!)

I just read a really interesting article by Mastin Kipp of The Daily Love titled “Time for a 2012 check in – How are you doing with those dreams?”   It’s so true for me right now and maybe for you too.

He reminds me that, and I quote “THIS AIN’T NO DRESS REHEARSAL!”, and he’s right.

September always feels like a new school year to me, no matter how many years it’s been since I graduated college.   New York is getting back to business from the summer, so It’s the perfect time to get back to you. Get back into your goals and nurturing your dreams.

Mastin says Your dreams, your goals – the things your heart desires – all these things are PRESENT MOMENT DESIRES! If you aren’t taking action towards them DAILY – then you aren’t going to make them happen.”

I guess that’s kind of a wakeup call, taking daily right actions towards our deepest most ingrained dreams in order to make progress. We forget that there are seven days in the week – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Someday is not one of them.

And these days are packed full of stuff to do! But we must not let them get away.  It all begins with daily right actions.

A big theme for me this month is Fashion Week and Fashion’s Night Out.  All of the work we do as designers culminates into that one show, the one night of the year when everyone comes out of the woodwork to make something big happen.  In this case, to help the global economy and donate to charities, good causes and independent designers.

It is one of the most exhilarating things I’ve ever felt, standing stage Left peering through the curtains at my runway show about to come alive.  That was years ago, and I am consumed every day to make that happen again. I love this quote “Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about.”  Now, not that I ever gave up, or ever would – but sometimes the bigger picture gets away from you.  It’s in remembering that one daily right action adds up to 365 steps a year that you are taking to feed your soul’s purpose.

Just start somewhere. Test it. No task is too big when approached from a mindset like this, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step.” Lau Tzu

Be easy on yourself and acknowledge the steps you have taken.  Recognize the effort and the mindshare you have put forth to get to the part right before you even take the first step.  Also acknowledge WHY you have NOT taken any steps yet, what fears or emotions are you holding on to about starting this? Work on that then.  The marathon runner first had to be emotionally committed to going for that morning run, time and time again – before they even put their sneakers on.

If you feel that there is something bigger that you are meant to do with your life, break it out into manageable steps and do it.

Jump right in.

The biggest victories I’ve ever had in my life were things I knew I had to do in my gut, and I didn’t even think too much about them because I knew if I analyzed it and waited – I probably would never have done it.

These are things for me like deciding to go to college at FIT, deciding to study abroad, deciding to go to London by myself, running for Miss New York, twice, and starting my first business – my fashion line.  Sometimes the time is just right for you to jump in, and if you listen – your gut will always tell you what to do. That’s why you have it.

Hope that inspires you!
