In illustration above:  Computer screen has my “Emily Brickel Exclusively for Pink Pizza Events” Flamingo Kiss Background!

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I recently opened my inbox to find Marie Forleo’s latest email titled

How to Overcome your fear of Success, and with it – a vlog:

This had my name written A.L.L. over it.  For those of you who know me, you probably don’t think I have a fear of success. Well in all actuality I do, and it is probably my greatest fear – along with my fear of failure.  Double edged sword much? Damned if you do Damned if you don’t? Yeah – that’s a stressful sandwich to be in.  Walking the path of my spiritual journey this is a predicament I have been itching to put to rest.

Through Marie’s vlog I was introduced to her interviewee; Dr. Cathy Collautt, and it seems she or this, is what I have been searching for!

A way to finally reprogram your subconscious and get it to play on your team, no matter what your fear.

She also writes a really compelling blog, as she is a proclaimed Metaphysician and Manifesting coach – Manifesting coach – where have you been all my life!

In her blog  she made a really interesting point, on Dissatisfaction, and the gap between taste and ambition.  She says that Dissatisfaction is the recognition of this gap, the space between what we desire and the current “fruits of our labor”.  Maybe you are working so hard, yet you are not where you would like to be. She says “You are disappointed because of your taste, and your taste gives away your potential, i.e. the possibility that presently exists of what you might in time become. . . You weren’t an idiot for thinking you could, you were simply aware of your potential. . . Your recognition of the gap between what you want to produce and what you actually produced itself means there is more to you than that.”

I think sometimes it’s really good to hear that you or I am not crazy, when other people perhaps think it’s good enough.
The only way to truly be satisfied is when your taste matches your ambition, and the work you put out.   It’s a process – a process of doing and doing and in time eventually getting there.

There is nothing wrong with keeping your sites on the stars when you, in other people’s opinions have already been to the moon. It’s about self-discipline and commitment, something that should not be taken lightly.

This intertwines very well with the idea of training your subconscious mind to over come your fears, and to never let them block you again. You can see the steps in Marie’s video but to sum it up:

You must listen to your subconscious mind, and understand that what it is telling you about (in this circumstance) why you are afraid to succeed, and these are your non-negotiables.

I never thought about it that way.

So if you are afraid of being super successful because you fear you will loose your freedom and have no time for yourself or no time to be truly creative – Or you think you will loose time with family and friends and therefore lead to them resenting you, or maybe being jealous of your success if they are not moving at the same pace that you are – Then your non-negotiables are keeping your freedom, and keeping tight relationships with family and friends.

This is part of why I am afraid of real, uber success, I never want to loose those things. For you, your reasons may be different.

I felt really good about knowing that instead of me being afraid to loose these things, these are things that I held really dear and sacred.  Dr. Collautt goes on to say, figure out exactly what this means to you and make a commitment to yourself to continue to hold those things sacred, and to not go in the direction of loosing these things along the way, under any circumstances.

Success can be what feels good to you, and on your terms.  My definition of success, and I think even our generations’ vision of it has changed drastically in the past 10 years.  Growing up we thought it was sitting at a big desk in a shoulder padded suit, choosing between a career and family, not coming home for dinner and being so lonely in your expensive clothes and briefcase.  Today for us it has changed, we have seen so many entrepreneurs do it their way, on their terms and fit in the most important things in their life.  I think its really cool knowing, and I mean REALLY KNOWING that we have the power to create our reality and create the life we want to live. Now, even more than ever.

Hope that inspires you to life the life you want to live!



P.S. Click here to get the “Emily Brickel Exclusively for Pink Pizza Events” Flamingo Kiss Agenda book!

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